Thursday, November 23, 2006

Breaking the Rules

Rules are made to be broken.

I have heard people say this, especially when disobeying the authority or law. It seems true too. It is easy to break some rules. But can we break all the rules? or are there any rule(s) that we cannot break? I have been thinking about this and I came to a conclusion that there are certain fundamental rules that cannot be broken.

Our world is build upon the rules. Right from the core of nucleus upto the whole universe, everything works according to the rule. Society runs according to rules. A person lives according to rules. Computer is built upon rules. Science is build upon rules. Mathematics is build upon rules. So, what are the rules that are fundamental?

In mathematics, any theorem is built upon some axioms that are thought be true. With that assumption in place, everything else is built upon those axioms. How to prove the axioms are valid? If something disproves the axioms, whole edifice of mathematics crumbles down. Similarly, our human society builds upon certain core principles. Those principles are like axioms in the mathematics. In case, somebody violates those principles, problem occurs. What are the axioms or core principles of the physical world? Everything thing must start on something. What sets the rules of interaction among different things?

I read some news about intelligent design and its conflict with the theory of evolution. At that time, I felt it was heretical to think intelligent design as any rational ideal. Intelligent design says that the universe was designed my some higher intelligent being. By this, the proponents of ID were trying to bring the god into the realm of science. It doesnot make sense. But it also doesnot make sense to think about the fundamental core principles of the world. In our world, when we simulate something we set the rules and let the system behave according to the rules. Who set the rules for the world?

Evolution of course can explain the 'evolution' but not the creation. How does something come into being? What are the rules for creation of life? How come the law of fundamental interaction is satisfied by everything? And my final question is, what happens if we are able to break the rule?


Blogger NKM said...

I had similar feelings. I have written something here:
Your writing is more precise, but I feel that what we say rule is discovered by humankind in due course of time.
We speak of "fundamental rules" but what do you really mean by that?
It is based upon our inference, which ultimately is based upon the observation. For a blind people darkness is law! for a deaf, symbol works. So, it depends upon our capacity to observe and make inference. Are we capable to formulate laws that govern the universe? NO!
We are capable to formulate some "rules" on the basis of our understanding capabilities. The sources of knowledge are being pushed. And our understanding improves so does the power of inference.
Take an example, in Hindu Philosophy, The rain was caused by Indra Dev. But do we still think that way?
We were happy with five elements: Earth, Fire, Sky, water ,
We now have more. Does this make life easier?
There are no "rules" if you can see the world! Rules are just like your pieces of specs you need to see it clearly.

The only thing that survives is the Order.
Well, let's think about it!
Oh god! what am I writing? (<<-- JOKE!)


6:35 AM  

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